Articles — Bruce Lee

How Bruce Lee Valued Physical and Spiritual Health

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Bruce Lee was careful to maintain balance in his life—from the physical to the spiritual. No matter our external circumstances, we can all strive to apply Bruce’s advice for complete health to our own lives. Keep reading to learn about the Dragon’s guide to total wellness. You can find more insight like this in The Official Bruce Lee Collector’s Edition, Volume 5.     Bruce Lee was obviously someone who took great care in his physical fitness. He took hours out of every day to get an amount of cardiovascular and resistance training that allowed him to perform martial arts...

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Bruce Lee's Advice for Living in Interesting Times

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Bruce Lee’s practical advice for living in difficult situations was born from his own experiences persevering as a young Chinese actor making a name for himself in the film industry. No matter the obstacles that arose in his path, he continued to apply himself daily in order to reach his goals. Read below for his advice for living in interesting times and get even more insight into his philosophies in The Official Bruce Lee Collector’s Edition, Volume 4.       There is an ancient Chinese saying made famous to modern Americans by Robert F. Kennedy during his 1968 presidential...

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Bruce Lee and the Value of You

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The name Bruce Lee is an enticing, shiny object full of action and swag. So it's easy to focus on those aspects of his life that took place in the spotlight: his performances on film, his masterful demonstrations of martial arts, his seriously cool sense of style. But the reason these things grab our attention is because he was acutely dedicated to fully discovering and expressing himself. Volume 6 of The Official Bruce Lee Collector's Edition explores exactly how his ideas of self-actualization, practice and honest self-expression propelled him to the top of his fields and created a unique and...

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Bruce Lee's Take on Putting in Work

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When we think of Bruce Lee in retrospect, it's easy to focus on those aspects of his life that took place in the spotlight: his performance on film, his masterful demonstrations of martial arts, the photos in which he's dressed to impress with a big grin on his face. But all of these little pieces of Bruce were possible because of his singular determination to offer the world something entirely new—to be a consummate individual, unbeholden to previous rules or traditions. Whether he was working tirelessly to ensure his action sequences looked as realistic as possible, pushing himself daily to...

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No Limitation As Limitation: Bruce Lee's Advice for Overcoming Your Own Worst Enemy—You

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In his short time on Earth, Bruce Lee not only created some of the most iconic martial arts films in history, but he also left us with countless pieces of wisdom. In Volume 5 of the Official Bruce Lee Collector’s Edition, we take a closer look at the Dragon’s philosophies and how we can apply them to our own lives. Below, read an exclusive excerpt from the issue on Bruce’s famous quote about limitations. You can get the rest of Bruce’s life lessons in Volume 5, available in stores and online August 6.     When Bruce Lee talked about...

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